Two Upcoming Festivals to Hang Out with Mustard Club!

The month of June kicks off many opportunities to celebrate German heritage and enjoy some time socializing with your Mustard Club peeps!

Schwabenfest is at the Cincinnati Donauschwaben Society Friday, June 9 (5:30 -11) and Saturday, June 10 (1-11). The Mustard Club will be gathering on Friday, June 9th starting at 5:30 pm. Please join us! (MC Memership meeting is the next morning at Mecklenburg Gardens.)

Schutzenfest is at the Kolping Society Friday, June 16 (6-12), Saturday, June 17 (3-11), and Sunday, June 18 (1-9). The Mustard Club will be entering two teams in the Team Shooting Competition on Saturday. If you have interest in participating, please message our Facebook page for details or speak to a MC officer at the June Membership meeting.

Mustard Club will also gather in the Picnic Grove on Sunday afternoon during the King Shoot at Schutzenfest! Look for the Mustard Club flag and join the Yellow Shirts!

Also, check out opportunities for live entertainment at the local German Clubs as well! The Germania Society in Colerain Township and the Liberty Home Association in Hamilton will be hosting Biergartens with live music in the coming weeks.

Enjoy the start of the Festival Season in Cincinnati!