The 2024 Händlmaier’s Mustard Club Cincinnati Officers:
1.Vorstand (President) – Ryan Preston
2.Vorstand (Vice President) – Tracie Berryhill
Kassier (Treasurer) – Wendy Altendorf
Schriftführerin (Secretary) – David Dalton
Delegierte (GACL Delegate) – Lana Morton
The 2024 Händlmaier’s Mustard Club Cincinnati Board:
1.Beisitzer (1st Advisor) – Pam Herrman
2.Beisitzer (2nd Advisor) – Thomas Willie G. St. Rain
3.Beisitzer (3rd Advisor) – Chuck Dietz
4.Beisitzer (4th Advisor) - Lenny Kuntz
5.Beisitzer (5th Advisor) – Ricky Perry
6.Beisitzer (6th Advisor) – Jen Crofoot
Use our contact form to email our officers/advisors. We’re always interested in hearing from our members!
We’re always looking for new volunteers to help with the club. Get involved! Officer elections are held in November.
But even if you’re not interested in being an officer, we always need folks to help out with specific tasks or events.
Contact us today to pitch in! And thank you, in advance, for your support.
Vermächtnis (Legacy)
Der Pate (The Godfather) – Scott Scholz
Ehemaliger Vorstand (Past President)
Dan Marks
Ricky Perry
Lana Morton
Chuck Dietz
Ehemaliger Kassierin (Past Treasurer)
Lenny Kuntz
Candy Shannon
Mike Meiners
Ehemaliger Vorstand (Past Vice President)
Ryan Preston
David Plogman
Chris Wise
Ehemaliger Schriftführer (Past Secretary)
Maci Alf
David Dalton
Tracie Berryhill
Aaron Spetz
Ehemaliger Beisitzers
Dani Whitener, Crystal Weddendorf, Sarah Flischel, Jesse Hanford, Jim Weddendorf, Conan Crofoot, Danielle Kuntz, James Czar, Gerry Voellmecke, Paul Ketterer, Henry Newberry, Andrew Benzinger, Kathy Rademacher, Erwin Dobler, Peter König, Rogar Schneider
As well as - Sarah Browning (Ladies Leader) and Erin Rademacher (Youth Leader)
2020 Mustard club board members
Starting at the October Club Meeting through the end of October, we accept nominations for the next year’s Mustard Club Officers. To nominate yourself or another member, email us or see one of the current officers at the October meeting.
The elected officer positions include:
1.Vorstand (First Officer, aka President)
2.Vorstand (Second Officer, aka Vice-President)
Kassierin (Treasurer)
Schriftführerin (Secretary)
All nominees must be current Mustard Club members and should be able to attend the majority of Mustard Club meetings and events throughout the year. A valid membership is required to nominate an officer or vote in our election, (it is also required to participate in our famous December beer medals competition, our favorite Mustard Club special event). The last chance to purchase a membership for a given calendar year is at the October meeting.
Period: Elections shall commence at the beginning of the Club Meeting scheduled nearest the second Saturday of November and conclude fourteen days thereafter.
Submission: Ballots must be submitted electronically to the club elections email address by any paid member of the club. At the conclusion of nominations, the club President shall appoint any two paid members of the club who are not seeking office to serve as the Election Board.
Confirmation of results: At the end of the election period, the Election Board shall compare results and release them immediately with all nominees.
Member notification of elections: The winners of the election shall be announced at the Club Meeting scheduled nearest the second Saturday of December. An email shall be sent out with the names of the new officers on the Monday following the meeting. The information shall also be announced on the Club’s website and Facebook page.
Vacant presidency: In the event of a vacant President position, the Vice President shall serve as Acting President. In the event of vacant President and Vice President positions, the Secretary shall serve as Acting President. In the event of vacant President, Vice President, and Secretary positions, the Treasurer shall serve as Acting President. In the event of all elected officer positions being vacant, the club shall hold new elections as soon as possible.
Vacant elected officer positions: In the event of any of the four elected officer positions being vacant, the President or Acting President shall appoint any willing member of the club to the vacant position. An Acting President may consider himself for the President position.
Appointed officer positions: When all four elected officer positions have been filled, the four officers shall gather to appoint the other seven appointed positions. Any member of the club may be considered. The officers shall vote on each candidate, with a majority of votes approving the candidate for the position. In the event of a tie, the President’s vote becomes the tiebreaker.
The appointed officer positions include:
1.Beisitzer (1st Advisor)
2.Beisitzer (2nd Advisor)
3.Beisitzer (3rd Advisor)
4.Beisitzer (4th Advisor)
5.Beisitzer (5th Advisor)
6.Beisitzer (6th Advisor)
Delegierte (GACL Delegate)
The official election rules document shall be provided by the club President to each nominee at the time that he or she asks the nominee for acceptance of the nomination.
Each candidate shall be allowed two minutes to address the membership at the Club Meeting scheduled nearest the second Saturday of November. In addition, each candidate will be allowed up to 100 words in a statement that shall be emailed to the club mailing list on the Monday following the club meeting scheduled nearest the second Saturday of November. The text of these statements shall be posted on the club’s website and Facebook page.